Humans, with common goals, interests, and moral values, unite to create blueprints, societies, treaties, constitutions, and borders to feel safe with one another, defining both boundaries and rights.

These are the building blocks for most human societies.

Yet, it feels like we are failing.

We refuse to acknowledge our own flaws.  We are full of hypocrisies and contradictions. Accountability is a one-way street for most.

The problems!

It is the 21st century, and the world is unhinged. There are catastrophes wherever you go. We are repeating old patterns. It feels like the early 1900s all over again, with its plague, global financial crisis, global wars, natural disasters, and more.

A human life doesn’t mean much to most individuals unless it is blood or kin related. Our money is supporting many ongoing unjust wars around the globe. Wars are the collective level example, which is mirrored on an individual level with an increase in crime rates, domestic violence, and suicide.

Lying in all its colors is acceptable; it is a sign of sophistication and civility. We have no problem usurping others of their right to truth to avoid any personal inconvenience or damage. We make decisions for others every time we omit the truth.  Afterall, we say things like ‘truth hurts’. Truth is punished.

Stealing and cheating are celebrated skills, if you can figure out how to get away with it. In today’s world, we call it fine print and good business. Thousands of companies are founded on the theft of users’ information for gains. In our human relations, we do it too. We take things that belong to others; we craft cunning and elaborative narratives, faking it till we make it.

Usury is trendy. We are charging more, a lot more. Again, it is for the civilized, or if you wish to remain among the civilized. On a personal level, many are living lives beyond their means; many are demanding much more than their actual needs.

Racism, sexism, bullying, etc. The behavioral plagues that continue to sweep and undermine our common humanity.

Our trespasses and transgressions against one another, both consciously and subconsciously, are at an all level high. They are happening on the individual and collective levels; this is a dangerous place to be.

Our transgressions go way beyond human-human relations. We are abusing the planet and her resources; we are mismanaging the animal kingdom and biodiversity. We are living in a messy home.

The Solution

On a personal level, we must be loving and merciful with ourselves. We must be kind, and it starts with that one in the mirror. Beyond that, we need more of that love and kindness in our homes. We need tons of hugs to melt those frozen hearts.

Less Idiots!

The word idiot has its Greek origins, referring to individuals who are ignorant of politics. We need to learn our politics; we need to embrace our political nature and understand the implications of inaction.

Furthermore, we need to reverse our inabilities to have the uncomfortable conversations and redefine our social contracts and common sense.

We need a new moral compass.

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