I have read the book of life.

I have seen the past.

I have seen glimpses of tomorrow.

I have witnessed the beginning.

I have witnessed the ending.

I have witnessed it all.

I have experienced the now.

I have experienced the then.

I have experienced things you may not understand.

I have seen people die for no reason at all.

I have seen others die for a noble cause.

I have seen those who watched without any remorse.

I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires.

I have witnessed the demise of an entire race.

I have witnessed the unthinkable.

I have experienced the kindness of the poor.

I have experienced the selfishness of the rich.

I have experienced the soft caress of an angel.

I have seen men fall to their knees in defeat.

I have seen their resilience to stand once again.

I have seen others fall and fail to stand ever again.

I have witnessed the miracle of birth.

I have witnessed its pain and joy.

I have witnessed the innocence of a child.

I have experienced the loneliness of an extinct kind.

I have experienced the pain of a wounded gazelle.

I have experienced the love of another being.

I have seen monsters feed on the youth of humanity.

I have seen ghouls brainwash entire populations.

I have seen the opportunists of chaos.

I have heard the cries of bereaved mothers.

I have heard their prayers.

I have heard angels’ cry.

I have witnessed the struggles of a single mother.

I have witnessed the sufferings of an orphaned child.

I have witnessed the simplicity of a smile.

I have experienced the loneliness of a crowded city.

I have experienced the contentment of a lone monk on a mountain top.

I have experienced the warmth of love in mid-December.

I have seen many lose sight of themselves cause of greed.

I have experienced the failure to recognize the truth when it is told.

I have witnessed many stories of kindness go untold

I have seen the madness of humanity.

I have seen the gentleness of humanity.

I have experienced the confusion of human nature.

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