
It is anything that impacts the natural breathing rhythm. It is anything that disrupts the original storyline. It is anything that harms the human spirit; it is anything that shocks our system.

It is the lies, unkept promises, broken promises. It is the cheating, manipulations, and deceit.

Trauma is the opposite of safety. It is the opposite of security. It is the opposite of trust. It is the opposite of peace.

It is a war. A genocide. An Affair. A drought.

It’s every time our rights are violated; it is every time our boundaries are crossed.

Halal and Haram

The Quran provides an abstract and eternal list of things, both permissible and forbidden. It is referred to as a few things—the straight path and divine boundaries. Those divine boundaries govern the individual’s dealings with the creator, nature, family, society, and the individual’s self.

Transgressions against those boundaries are the roots to most traumas, individual and collective ones.

Truth is a human right!

Sacred texts have encouraged humans to tell the truth and to be truthful in all their dealings. The Ancient Egyptians considered it a great offense; no liars passed the one-feather scale to enter the next realm. They understood the traumatic impact of lies.

A lie is robbery. Every lie robs someone of their right to the truth. Every lie is someone deciding for another; they deemed the other unworthy of the truth.

The color of a lie doesn’t matter.

Withholding the truth is a lie. If knowing the truth would alter someone’s decision; it is their right.

Any time a person is entitled to a truth, and it shaded in anything but honesty, it is a lie.

Every lie is a violation of a human right!

Lying is traumatizing to the human spirit!

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One Comment

  1. Doaa March 23, 2023 at 5:01 pm - Reply

    exhaustion, confusion, sadness, anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion, physical arousal, and blunted affect It’s also TRAUMA’s effect! Thanks to you Hani.!

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