Author Hani Selim follows up his provocative début novel, Osama’s Jihad, with Pyramid Builder, another riveting story of a man’s search for meaning in an increasingly obscure and indifferent world. Selim tackles all the big questions in an engaging style, introducing compelling characters and situations – not to mention the captivating locale of Giza, Egypt, and the ancient culture that paved the way for future civilizations.

Mohamed is an Egyptologist who travels back to Cairo to study recently discovered artifacts that promise to electrify all who see them. But he’s running away from his wife and sons, too, and has a growing sense of his inadequacy as a husband and father, and, indeed, as a man. In his yearning to understand the why of humanity – as well as his own existence – he seeks answers and, in extraordinarily fascinating ways thanks to Selim’s willingness to meld the fantastic with the very realistic, he is led on a journey of self-discovery that will appeal to all readers.

Will Mohamed go where a spirit guide leads him? Will he uncover the family secret that has burdened him since childhood? Will he take a genuine look at himself and admit to lusts and insecurities that have both numbed and perplexed him? Will his bewitching colleague cause him to ruin his fragile marriage? Will the questions of the ages be answered in his search? A Pyramid Builder will engross the reader in a mesmerizing journey of their own as these themes are explored in this satisfying and fulfilling novel.