Humans, let’s own it — we have a bit of an infatuation with our ‘ego’. We like to feel like we’re the most important person in any given situation. And that’s great! I mean, that’s what society is built on, right? However, there’s a difference between taking pride and feeling good about yourself (that’s healthy), versus saying ‘no one else matters but me’ (that’s not so great).

Human Nature

In Arabic, there are two terms that refer to humans: Bashar and Nas—it is not to be confused with Nas, the rapper. While both terms are used interchangeably to describe human beings, they have different connotations that highlight the distinction between being a mere biological entity and being a complete human being.

Bashar refers to the biological aspect of being human. It encompasses our physical body, including our organs, tissues, and cells. Bashar is what we share with other living beings on this planet. It is the body that is born, ages, and dies.

On the other hand, Nas refers to the complete human being, which includes not only the biological aspects but also the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aspects. Nas refers to the person’s complete identity, including their personality, values, beliefs, and character. Nas is what makes us unique individuals, different from any other person on the planet.

Therefore, the term Bashar describes the physical body, while Nas represents the soul and awareness, the essence of who we are as individuals. The difference between the two terms highlights the importance of acknowledging and nurturing all aspects of our being to achieve true fulfillment and happiness.

We are all Bashar, but we are not all Nas. And by recognizing the distinction between Bashar and Nas, we can cultivate a comprehensive approach to life, one that acknowledges and nurtures all aspects of our being.

In summary, being a human being involves more than just having a physical body. It involves cultivating our spiritual, emotional, and intellectual selves to become complete human beings. Recognizing the distinction between Bashar and Nas can help us achieve this goal, allowing us to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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