Until a few years ago, my understanding of Islam was shaped by the mainstream narratives that portrayed it as a religion founded in the 7th century by Muhammad. Like many others, I accepted these accounts without much scrutiny. However, driven by my inquisitive nature, I embarked on a quest for meaning and truth, seeking to address the doubts and questions that haunted me. Yet, the journey was not without its challenges, and I often found myself grappling with uncertainty and a thirst for deeper understanding.
The Quest Begins:
My exploration began with a profound examination of the fundamental aspects of my belief system. Growing up, I was taught that the Quran was the word of God, and we were duty-bound to adhere to its teachings without selective cherry-picking. I firmly believed in individual responsibility and accountability for our choices. The idea of creating a customized religion that catered to personal preferences didn’t resonate with me. Armed with this mindset, I delved into extensive readings and embarked on an earnest pursuit of knowledge.
Challenging Predetermined Notions:
One aspect that presented a significant challenge was the notion of destiny, fate, free will, and the afterlife. I struggled to comprehend how we could be held accountable for our actions and words if everything was predetermined and already written. The arguments presented seemed devoid of logic, attributing all responsibility to the Divine, which in turn raised questions about the Divine’s own role.
Discovering a Foundation:
Throughout my journey, documented in various blog posts, I gradually arrived at a simple yet profound belief: there is one God, one humanity, one earth, and one message. Regardless of the diverse forms through which this message has been conveyed, it remains anchored in this fundamental truth.
Perceiving God as a Brand:
As I delved deeper, I found myself critically examining religions and their institutional structures. During this introspective period, I began contemplating the concept of perceiving God as a brand—a unique identity encompassing core values, themes, and products. Just like any brand, there exist both genuine and replica versions, each with its own representatives, advocates, and followers.
The Main Product:
The God brand features a flagship product with various releases and updates throughout history.
One striking realization emerged: the creator of this divine brand had meticulously crafted a strategic plan from the beginning. Each release or update of the divine message corresponded to the behavior and interactions of humanity within the world. Nevertheless, the core values remained consistent throughout every iteration.
In essence, the creator accounted for all possible scenarios, establishing a reward and punishment system where our decisions determine our personal and collective fates. If we overeat, we become obese; if we undereat, we risk anorexia. Our choices shape our destinies.
Embracing a Universal Narrative:
This understanding brought forth a profound realization: the divine narrative transcends any single religion or exclusive interpretation. It encompasses a universal story that has manifested in diverse forms throughout history. The emphasis on unity, compassion, and the interconnectedness of all creation became increasingly evident. I began to view religion as a means to connect with the divine and embrace these core values rather than a rigid framework of rules and regulations.
An Ongoing Dialogue:
In my exploration, I have come to recognize that the divine narrative constitutes an ongoing dialogue between the divine and humanity. It is not confined to a specific time period or limited to a singular prophet. Instead, it continuously evolves to address the changing needs and challenges of humanity while remaining rooted in its foundational principles.
Continuing the Journey:
As I continue to delve deeper into my personal journey of faith, I strive to embrace this expanded understanding of the divine narrative. It urges me to seek unity amidst diversity, foster empathy and compassion, and appreciate the interconnectedness of all beings. Through these endeavors, I hope to navigate the complexities of life with a sense of purpose and authenticity, knowing that the divine narrative encompasses a message of love, justice, and harmony.
Embracing the idea of a divine brand and its evolving message has broadened my perspective, enabling me to perceive the unity and interconnectedness of all humanity. While my journey is ongoing, I am humbled by the beauty of this divine narrative and the potential it holds to inspire and transform our lives.
Great brother, now I have a question!!!!!!!!
Wonderful article about the most intimate topic.. thank you for sharing your thoughts Mr. Selim 🙏🏻