We can categorize unrealistic expectations into two.

The first of the two are things that defy reality or science. Expecting water to melt in freezing temperatures is an example. Expecting your body to carve itself without working out or diet.

Then there are unrealistic expectations in our human relations. These are the ones founded in miscommunication or lack thereof. It takes place when concerned parties don’t discuss important matters related to boundaries, rights, values, morals, and expectations. We tend to overlook such conversations until it is too late.

Ways to Avoid unrealistic expectations

  1. Know yourself and your expectations and boundaries. Spend time writing down the things that matter to you when forming a human connection. Try to understand your own strengths and weaknesses, identify triggers and insecurities, and be honest about your expectations, starting with yourself.
  2. Keep your expectations in check. It’s important to have realistic expectations in any relationship – otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. If you’re expecting others to be perfect, you’re going to be disappointed. Everyone is built differently. It’s important to understand and accept them.
  3. Communicate your needs and wants. If you’re not communicating your needs and wants to your partner, you can’t expect them to read your mind. Be honest about what you’re looking for in the relationship, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.
  4. Ask Questions. Humans are the sum of personal experiences, making every human unique in their own way. It is imperative to ask questions to understand a person’s boundaries and expectations. Not doing so is a surefire way to create unrealistic expectations. Focus on what makes your bond special.
  5. Don’t try to change others. Trying to change someone is a recipe for disaster. If you’re not happy with who they are, it’s time to move on. Accept them for who they are or find someone who is more compatible with you.

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