Have you ever watched a little boy smash his favorite toys against the wall or the floor?

How about a little girl pulling the hair and ripping off the dresses on her favorite doll?

Have you ever observed their joy and laughter as they destroy the things they love most?

How about their cries once they realize it is broken?

In a similar fashion, there are adults who treat their loved ones

They will win your heart with their charm.

Once they know that your heart is all theirs to do as they please, they proceed to rip it apart.

They shred it into small pieces and enjoy doing so; it gives them a certain kind of pleasure–

Maybe it reminds them of their childish years, or maybe they never grew out of it.

Nevertheless, they will continue to smash your heart.

They will continue to press all your buttons to break you, and that is totally fine to them.

This is their only way to express love. And once you are all broken,

They will point at your shattered pieces and cry.

The blame will fall on you for taking away their favorite toy.

Have you ever followed the trail of a kid’s favorite toys?

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