A day before the wedding, he arrived at the airport with one mission on his mind. His thoughts were primarily focused on what he had to do to find his long-lost love. He was back for her, attempting to keep his promise. All he had to do was find her.

He helped the little girl into a cab. On the way home, he asked the driver to make a quick stop. He gave the driver her address, which he had memorized by heart. He got out of the cab asking the driver to wait for a few minutes. He walked nervously quickly toward the building, where he was greeted by a doorman. After a bit of small talk, he asked about her and if she still lived there.

He learned that she did indeed reside there still. He also learned that she was staying elsewhere for the night to prepare for her wedding day. “Tomorrow is her wedding.” The doorman shared.

Although he was expecting to come back and find her married, there was always some hope that had kept him going. But never in a million years did he think that he would return a day before her wedding. He made his way back to the taxi, walking so slowly and so pale as if he saw a ghost. He didn’t know what to think or do.

He was beyond lost and hurt, but he had no one else to blame except for himself. He was back, but he was too late. “Maybe I am not too late. Maybe there is something I can do to get her back. I should just show up at her front door and win her back. Maybe I can just go to her wedding and let her see me there; maybe she will call it off.”

He thought of every possible solution to the problem as he unpacked. He was driving himself crazy and it was so obvious. It was written all over his face. He sat in the rocking chair where he used to always sit while talking to her on the phone. He played their song in the background while holding the phone in his hand thinking of calling her. He reminisced about the good old times. He sat there trying to comfort himself in one way or another. He tried to control his tears, but he surely couldn’t. If he could scream as a little boy does, he would do it. He sat on the floor by the corner with his forehead resting on his knees, crying. He felt the loss before, but this time it was a forever loss.

“Daddy, are you ok? Daddy, Wake up?”  The little girl tapped him on the shoulder as she tried to wake him the next morning. He woke up and pretended to be ok. He made the little girl her favorite breakfast, waffles; but not without almost setting the apartment on fire.

A crazy idea popped in his head.

He got dressed and asked one of the neighbors to take care of the little girl. He rushed out of the building looking for a cab. He gave the cab the address to the place where she was having the wedding.

It’s hard to describe the way he felt, but something weird has taken over him.

Was it the need for closure for a long-lost love story? What was it that went through his mind at that point?  He arrived and began inspecting the place, hoping to find a good hiding spot. He looked till he finally found the perfect spot to remain unseen.

He stood there looking at his watch and anticipating all the outcomes. “Should I let her see me? Should I go up to her now? What am I doing here? Should I look for one of our old friends and seek advice?”  He was drowning in a deep sea of thoughts. There was noise downstairs by the wedding hall. People were starting to show up. His heart was beating faster. His palms are sweaty.

He saw her walking out of the room in her white dress.

She was still as beautiful as he remembered her. His lips were moving, but they weren’t making a sound. Her name was the only thing that occupied his mind. He felt paralyzed. He saw her, but she couldn’t see him.

She was smiling at the guests. On the outside, she looked happy. That was exactly what he always wanted for her. He wanted her to be happy.

It was time to go home. It was over. He walked away without looking back. But he surely left his heart behind.

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