
“This is your dad?!?”

“This is your daughter?!?”

Confusion and bewilderment washed over them. But they were surely happy to see each other. It had been over seven years since they last saw each other. Sadness and happiness were present. They both thought of this moment a lot; they both thought of the thousand things that could be said. Silence was a lot stronger.

They stood there staring at each other. They got lost in each other’s eyes. Their hearts were jumping and dancing in joy. Their hearts were skipping a beat, maybe two. One for joy and one for what may come next. The silence ended once the little girl grabbed her dad’s hand introducing him to her favorite teacher. “Daddy, this is Ms. May, Ms. May, this is my dad.”  The two shook hands without exchanging words.

They were in total shock. But they didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Their souls were finally back in place. They were in heaven. Their heavenly moment didn’t last for long.

He suddenly remembered that he last saw her in a wedding dress. He pulled back his hand letting go of hers. He had no right to hold her hand the way he did. He had no right to think or want her. She was a married woman. He was finally able to gather whatever was left of his shattered soul and drew a fake smile. He redirected his attention toward little May and asked her how she ended up there?

As little May began explaining, Ms. May took over the conversation. She was eager to speak to him. She was eager to get anything out of him. She continued with the story of how she was taking her home, because May missed the bus. And she decided to stop at the park since it was on their way.

There he was standing in front of the woman he loved; still love and will always love. But he couldn’t tell her anything; he didn’t have any right to do so. The only thing he was able to say was: “I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience May caused you. May, let’s go. I am sure your teacher must go home too to spend time with her family”.

He couldn’t be any colder to her than he was; he acted as if she weren’t and still is the love of his life, but he didn’t know any better.  Again, he thanked her and left with little May. Throughout the drive home, he replayed the whole encounter. He was looking for something that would pacify his wounded heart. Did she go there on purpose? Did she know that he would be there? Why did she bring little May along with her? What made her go to the spot where they first met years ago?  Is she having problems in her married life? Did her marriage end? He didn’t see the wedding ring on her finger. Maybe she left it at home or took it off at work.

On her way home she kept wondering. Why was he so cold to her? Why didn’t he say anything after all this time apart? Why did he pretend as if there was never anything between them? Did he forget about her? Did he forget about their love? But that couldn’t be true. He was there too. He went to their special place. She felt it in the handshake. She saw it in his eyes. Yes, she did see it, even if it was for a second. There was something there. The questions haunted her all the way home. The questions led her back to her car.  She had to know the answers. She had to know why he left so many years ago. Her heart demanded answers.

She needed closure. She rang the doorbell. “May I come in?”

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