If showing up is half the battle, what is the other half?

It is a bit deceiving when you think of the ones who show up but don’t engage. It is like a student who expects to receive an A for showing up to class or a worker getting paid for clocking in while others do the work.

It is not easy to get up, get ready, and show up somewhere you may or may not like. We don’t need to explore this point any further. However, it is not a matter of numbers and bodies.

There are professional slackers who take advantage of those who show up and do the work. I can’t help it but think of someone I knew who waited for everyone else to do the work and managed to weasel their way into getting credit for others’ work. I call it highway robbery, and it is something many do intentionally and unintentionally.

On a personal level, I don’t know how to show up somewhere without engaging and making the most of an experience, even if I do so in silence. Yes, some experiences require silent engagement—a talk, a lecture, a Broadway show, or studying in a library.

Battles are not won by showing up.

Battles are won by planning, learning, testing, and executing. Battles are won with unity, effort, and dedication.

Imagine a surgeon performing a surgery by simply showing up.

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