I binge-watched ‘The G Word with Adam Conover’ on Netflix.

I didn’t even know Adam Conover prior to watching the show. However, it was Obama’s familiar face that lured me to click on the thumbnail. To my surprise, I was done with the first season in two sittings.

Yes, I spent the weekend watching a show about government. It was educational, informative, comical, neutral, and realistic.

Throughout the season, Adam follows the crumbs to dig deeper into the government’s gut. He takes a tour in the US’s food industry, mainly meat, highlighting ways the government keeps us safe and bringing attention to flaws within the system.

The weather episode was one that stood out. I learned so much about the free services paid for by our tax dollars and the many ways our tax dollars have made the world a safer and better place.

It is not until the very end of season one that we get to hear more about Adam and his opinions on the matter. Even then, it ends on a positive and optimistic note.

I recommend it to anyone who is cynical or clueless about the government, its failures and successes, and ways to participate. Plus, it follows the ‘KISS’ template—keep it short and simple. Each episode is about 30 minutes long.

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