There are many things in this world that we do not understand. Like love, we feel it; we know it is a real emotion, but it is not something you can touch and examine in a lab. We know love by its acts and manifestations. We experience love in words and their metamorphosis into gestures.

Many things happen naturally, while others are a mystery to us because of how they were created. Among these unexplainable phenomena is the concept of God—an entity whose properties are debated by people all over the world. Though we may never know everything about this divine being, there are some things we can be sure of. Let’s take a look at some of these unique qualities and explore what they could mean.

1-Unlike anything and anyone!

It is impossible to fully comprehend the creator through our limited human cognitive abilities. The creator doesn’t follow our reasoning, which tends to be our first sin. We play a role way bigger than us.

2- The likeness between us!

It is said that we are created in God’s likeness. We are creators taking after our creator. We have been studying his creations and replicating them.

3- All-loving

God loves everyone perfectly. This does not mean that He agrees with everything that everyone does, but it does mean that He always wants what is best for them and is willing to forgive them when they repent of their sins.

4. Good

Another one of God’s properties is that He is good. This means that everything He does is ultimately for our good. We may not always understand the divine narrative, but we can trust that He knows what He’s doing and that His plans are always good.

5- All-knowing

God is also all-knowing, meaning that He knows everything that there is to know. This includes both factual information and future events. God’s knowledge is perfect, meaning that He never makes mistakes or forgets anything. God wrote the universal narrative and its rules.

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