Current Status quo

Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges, which are somewhat repeats of past historical events, but not really, if you add the modern twist. There is climate change and the looming drowning of cities. We have had a few ongoing wars on every continent. A restless pandemic disrupting our ways of living. We are watching governments and experts fumbling as they present solutions to our failing economies.


We have heard talks of possible solutions to significant issues plaguing our planet. We have heard of the Paris Climate Agreement, applied sanctions, great reset, metaverse, and moving to Mars.

While all are admirable and fascinating solutions, I’d like to add another to the mix, the great reshuffle.

The Great Reshuffle

My understanding of laws and constitutions is the following:

Citizens are the ones who decide and make laws. They vote on them, agree with them.

Every country has its own processes, taxes, laws, and so on. Meaning, a country’s constitution is the agreed upon social contract among the collective, and you support such laws for as long as you live there.

With that being said, I think we should consider a great reshuffle, and we will leave it to big tech and data companies, who have been borrowing our information for two decades, to create psychological profiles of us, with our permission this time around.  You can think of it as redemption of some sort.

Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others can get together to create a fun online quiz to match people with the right constitution that fits their belief system, morals, values, and such.

For example, men who love to control their women, and women who love to be controlled by men can end up in a Taliban controlled territory.  I know a few Americans who would fit there perfectly, starting with number 45.

The Right to Free Movement

I do believe that every human should have the right to free movement, at least once in their lifetime, to find a home aligning with their core values and belief system rather than continuing to merely exist in a place that doesn’t.

We do better when we have options and, and we are aware of them.

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