This is not a cry for help or attention. This is not a complaint letter. This me doing what I do best, expressing feelings in words. You may take from it whatever you wish!

Work Trauma

Throughout the years, I have witnessed plenty of traumatic events. I have endured plenty of trauma. The most traumatic event happened when I had to enter a morgue after a stampede accident during the Islamic pilgrimage to identify a client’s dead body. I had to look through over 300 bodies. Nothing prepares you for that.

Lying is Trauma

I don’t care what anyone may tell you about lying. I don’t care how many people think that we get used to it. Lying is a traumatic experience for all parties involved. It is taking someone’s right to the truth; it is taking away their ability to decide for themselves.

It killed me every time I had to lie to a customer. I knew it would have hurt them if they ever figured out all the lies I told to get a sale. I broke that bond of trust. I wasn’t made for sales. I couldn’t lie anymore.

Even the little white lies matter; your body keeps score.

Cheating is Traumatic!

Cheating is tied to lying. You’ve worked hard for years; you’ve earned that promotion.

Poof… it’s gone because of nepotism or a backstabbing coworker. They call that work culture; the stronger survives.


If there is nepotism, I am willing to bet anything there is bullying. Bullying takes place in the adults’ world too. It exists beyond the school yard and hallways. I am sure there are millions who are bullied by coworkers and bosses, and they can’t do anything about it because of their need for that paycheck. Bullies know that.

Adult bullies use different instruments to administer pain.

This too is traumatic.

Firing someone can be traumatic too.

Death, Crimes, and More

For years, I created and curated content for the UN’s website. My kind of work booked me a front row seat to every global issue. I worked and read so much ‘dark shit’, and I didn’t notice what it was doing to me. I had to walk away to recognize it.

Certain careers are far more traumatic than others.

I imagine journalists out on the frontlines reporting on wars, genocide, and other horrendous crimes committed by fellow humans. This is a career path full of trauma.

It is the same for a soldier in a war zone. A soldier who goes into an unjust war is one who’s destined to endure far more trauma than all other soldiers.

Hospital staff must see off the departed and witness their pains; it is part of their daily jobs.

Police forces shelter us from the worst of society and its crimes.

Politicians, lawyers, and judges who must make tough decisions, so we don’t.

Whether you are the victim of traumatic events, the witness of such events, or the source of trauma, you should investigate taking care of your mental well-being.

Heal your world!

No one is immune to trauma. No one is the exception.


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One Comment

  1. Amin April 29, 2022 at 8:10 am - Reply

    Honest and profound

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